
giovedì 29 ottobre 2020

STEP #10 - I libri

Moseley, Henry. Trade Schools: a Letter to the Committee of the Bristol Diocesan School. 1853.

Scott, Robert Henry. The History of the Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, 1885 in  Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection.

Chowning, John. “Wave Studies: Sailing an Ocean with Max and Marjorie Mathews.” Computer Music Journal, vol. 33, no. 3, 2009.

WEINBERG, STEVEN. Third Thoughts. Harvard University Press, 2018. JSTOR

Cooke, Neil e Vanessa Daubney, redattori. Every traveller needs a compass: Travel and collecting in Egypt and the near East. Oxbow Books, 2015. JSTOR.

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